ALAMERA CROs Membership Form

ALAMERA is an association dedicated to uniting and representing service companies operating in the field of Clinical Research. Currently, the alliance boasts a membership of over sixty companies from emerging countries.

Our guiding philosophy is rooted in:

  • Openness for representation.
  • Dynamism for recognition.
  • Commitment to being at the forefront of the profession, ensuring a proactive and influential presence.

If you wish to apply to join ALAMERA, your company must meet the following criteria:

  • Domiciled in its headquarters country for at least 1 year.
  • Primarily engaged in services and/or consulting in clinical research and/or pharmaceutical and medical development for health products.

Submitting your application involves no constraints, only commitments. Simply read and electronically confirm our Non-Disclosure Agreement  under terms, conditions and agreement, which is attached. Confirming agreement to the terms and conditions within the document serves as your signature.

We look forward to the possibility of welcoming your company as a valued member of ALAMERA soon!

What are your areas of intervention? *
What types of activities do you undertake? *
What are your professions? *
In which therapeutic area has your CRO successfully conducted clinical trials? *
Is the CRO compliant with local and international regulatory requirements for clinical trials? *
Does the CRO have a robust quality management system in place for monitoring and ensuring data integrity? *
How does the CRO ensure a patient-centric approach in its clinical trials? *
How frequently does the CRO undergo external quality assurance audits? *
Are the CRO's staff adequately trained and qualified for their respective roles in clinical trial management? *
What measures does the CRO have in place to ensure data security and privacy? * (Select all that apply)

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